Think Darling Harbour 2050

Think Darling Harbour 2050

Help us shape the future vision and place strategy of Darling Harbour.
28 Aug 2023
30 Jun 2024

Placemaking NSW is developing a Future Vision and Place Strategy for Darling Harbour. 

Darling Harbour is on Gadigal land. It is where Land and Sea Country come together, where layers of ancient wisdom meet new knowledge and the stories of many cultures collide*. It is a special place of deep meaning and culture, where people come together to share experiences and create memories. It is an inclusive space where people can enjoy being outside in a magnificent waterfront setting.

The future Vision and Place Strategy will guide the future evolution of the precinct, and identify opportunities to continue to meet the changing needs of community and stakeholders over time.

The Darling Harbour of tomorrow is taking shape today, moving Darling Harbour from a 1980s icon into a modern and thriving destination for the next generation of visitors.This is the moment for deep reinvention and restoration, through which we can re-establish a relationship with Country that is culturally significant to Aboriginal people and inclusive of all Sydneysiders and visitors to Darling Harbour*.

Darling Harbour 2050 Vision aims to provide a ‘big picture’ for the community, allowing the precinct to evolve over time while keeping its unique, world-famous character.

Placemaking NSW would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this project so far, in particular Rowena Welsh Jarrett, Alison Page, Craig Kerslake, and Emily McDaniel, who have helped us to understand the intrinsic significance of Darling Harbour to Aboriginal communities.

*Think Darling Harbour 2050: Key Directions Report, Urbis


We have taken all the generous and constructive feedback from the community and precinct stakeholders to create a Key Directions Report outlining the Vision for the future of Darling Harbour.

Part of this Vision includes the demolition of the original Harbourside Shopping Centre to make way for a new mixed-use 50-storey residential and commercial building, with up to 265 new homes, upgrades to the waterfront promenade with seating, greenery, heritage interpretation (storytelling of the area’s history), and public art.