15 Jan 2024

Embrace First Nation's Culture Online

Explore the rich heritage of First Nations' culture and hear all about the Boora Birra Dreamtime Story or learn one of the oldest languages in the world.
Embrace First Nation's Culture Online

Deepen your understanding of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture by taking a virtual weaving workshop or tour on the history of the Gadigal Aboriginal people, watching an Aboriginal film on Australian history and learning one of the oldest languages in the world.

Join a guided virtual tour or workshop
Take a virtual tour from expert guides who will tell the real history of the Gadigal Aboriginal people and also learn about traditional Indigenous weaving techniques.
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Aboriginal Film Occupation: Native
Occupation: Native is an Aboriginal Film that aims to engage all Australians in a national conversation about Australian history and what has been missing from our history books.
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Learn one of the oldest languages in the world

Ever wondered how someone said hello 65,000 years ago? Learn the basics of the revitalised languages of the First Nations of Australia via the flash cards below.

The Canopy

Learn about the Wangal and Gadigal clans who have cared for the land that Darling Harbour is built upon, through the eyes of Aboriginal Artist, Jacob Nash at the site of his work, Canopy.